

Alan Sazman
Tel: 760 257 3000 

Earn 9.00% interest making loans on real estate:

  • Terms from 6 to 36 months
  • Receive monthly interest checks
  • Prime real estate as collateral
  • Hundreds of loans made since 1994
  • Excellent investor references
  • $100,000* minimum investment

Click FAQ tab above for more info.

Banks make real estate loans at 7% to 8% interest using their customers’ funds and pay about 4% to 5%. With the help of a licensed mortgage company, you too can earn 9.00% interest by making loans on real estate.

For decades, hundreds of mortgage companies nationwide have made loans on property with their own and savvy investors’ funds. They utilize the same documents (note and deed of trust) that banks use to secure their investment.

Limited time offer. Certain restrictions apply. Rate of return, terms, and minimum investment subject to change without notice. Call for current rate of return & terms. Trust Deed Investments are loans on property and are not insured by FDIC or any other government agency. For more info. on Trust Deed Investing, visit Google™ and YouTube™.

Capital 1 Mortgage and Capital 1 Realty have been licensed by CA Bureau of Real Estate since 1991. Lic. #994131. Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System ID #245291. Company ID #297872. References avail.

©2016 Capital 1 Mortgage & Alan Sazman. Copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this web site publication may be copied, reproduced, or used in any way, manner or form, analog or digital, electronic, known or not yet known without prior written permission from Alan Sazman and Capital 1 Mortgage.
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